
Design first.
A well-designed product is the foundation of success. By envisioning all the development stations along the track and merging them all together, we can create clear, original, and innovative products.

Development & Mentoring
We are not just a pretty face. We design products from the ground up, considering all the necessary balances and tolerances to meet future engineering and DFM phases. With hundreds of projects in our portfolio, we offer a wide range of services, including prototyping in any material or technology, complex mechanical engineering, analysis, CMF, DFM, sourcing, and manufacturing.

Total package.
Our future vision of the final product and market is a key element in our success. We support our projects from start to finish, including the last mile to market. We offer a wide range of services, including packaging design and production, marketing materials, exhibition and booth design, videos, and more.
Not a one man show!
Yo, I'm Gilad. I'm a product designer, developer, and entrepreneur based in the north of Israel. I work with a team of badass engineers, graphic designers, CMF & DFM professionals, content & video creators, and more… who help me bring crazy ideas to life. We're passionate about making products that solve real problems and make people's lives better. If you've got a vision, we'd love to help you make it happen.
Gilad Tal, Dan Israel, 1224500 Gilad@bagodesign.com
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